18 October 2009

I welcome myself to my new blog: writing update

This will be an update on my writing, as I am currently in the middle of a couple of books and will save anything I have to say about them until I am finished reading.

I have poorly controlled my writing projects since I've gotten out of school. I have two flash stories in progress, two short stories half started and a novel (Force of Stone) that needs one more sweep of revision and a new title. I haven't finished anything, in a polished, publishable way since earning my MA in writing.

I have aims to get those flash stories submitted within the next month, so update on that by mid November, and at least work out the plot for one of the short stories before Thanksgiving.

I hope I am not being unrealistic with these goals. I am still trying to figure out my work habits now that I have no deadlines. (I hope that changes soon)

I want to get working on revising Force of Stone as well. I want one more pass before I submit to agents, but I might just say to hell with that and see what the agents have to say first.

This morning as I drowsed half out of dreamland, I partly solved the issues for one of my flash stories. Although I noted everything, I have yet to open the story and get cracking at it. That is my goal for tomorrow.

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South - Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi - Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I'm slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0