26 October 2009

Good day

Ok, I haven't been completely unproductive. I began to get the edits into my short story, working title: Shutter on Joy. I put some pretty poignant symbolism and world development in there, bridging on character development as well. I find that many of my settings are characters themselves. In fact, if you've ever workshopped with me, you probably know that I'm a little "focused" on setting.

So after that, what do I do but become massively inspired to write another story. Now, it's been a long time since I've gotten blasted with the entire story in my head at once, even the imagery. And it's a whole short story. This is very good. (It did take me a couple hours to try to turn it into a novel... but I did stop when that happened.) It feels so good to be inspired so completely. I was even a good little writer and outlined it with tidbits of imagery and dialog for help later when I write it.

Alas I MUST update my resume tonight and not write this story. Perhaps I will dream happily of it (it's not a happy story, rather dark thank you) instead.


Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South - Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi - Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I'm slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

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