30 November 2009


Tonight I finished the revision of Artisan in Rogue. I then sent it to two people who have never seen it in any form before, and one who saw its first breaths of existence.

I really like the way this story turned out and I'm really excited to start submitting it soon!

Coming soon, how my brain perceived The Books of the South.... see below...

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South - Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi - Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I'm slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

18 November 2009

New Goal

Ok. I need to make a new goal now that I failed to meet my last one.

Despite the fact that I want to finish the labyrinth story, I want to submit something, and submit something now. The labyrinth story is only about 2/3rds of the way through the very rough draft. Even though I just solved a major story problem I was having, even though I have all kinds of energy for that story, I only have one story that is even close to being ready, revised once now, the torture story.

My new goal will be to revise the torture story, have one person read it, scrub it a bit and then submit it before Christmas.

That's so much more time than I think I'll need. But maybe that is just a realistic goal, seeing as I just about never attain my goals on time.

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South - Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi - Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I'm slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

15 November 2009

Boy! Have I been slacking lately. I haven't touched my labyrinth story in like four days. I may be burned out of working. Work has been incredibly harsh lately so the thought of any kind of work (even writing!) just makes me turn around and do something else...like read or play video games. Yes, that's right I said it. I've been participating in the worst kind of slacking...

I need to find a way to get motivated. My birthday has come and gone and I have nothing ready to submit yet.

My issue might be that I love getting the beginning of a story down, and into the middle and then I trail off and just kinda forget to go back and finish the middle of the story. I'm in the doldrums. How do I fix this? I'm really muddling. I don't think going and revising another story will help as I will lose steam for my unfinished work.

I haven't been completely shirking my writing duties, however. I have gotten some good reading done. I'm almost done with The Books of the South. Soon I will post a "my thoughts" about it, and I have plenty of them too.

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South - Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi - Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I'm slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

08 November 2009

Good Work Today

I wrote over 1,000 words today on my labyrinth story. It's now on 8 pages in MS format, and I think I can finish the story in 12. I stayed up way too late on a work night to do this, but it was worth it. I got some good momentum and pushed the story arc onward and developed some characters. I even turned some nice phrases if I do say so myself. Good things!

It's been a LONG time since I've written a story longer than 500 words but shorter than a novel, meaning a standard short story. I'm so very pleased with this one too. It will need A LOT of work when I've finished the draft though. Oh well. I like that part the best.

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South - Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi - Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I'm slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

03 November 2009

I haven't posted in too long. There's no motivation in laziness. So....
Met with a little writing group tonight. The goal was to put down some words and not just talk and good off online. It was a good session. I wrote a page in about a half hour (which is good for me, but not for the story). Then we read some (meaning I read no one else did).

The story I'm writing now (high plains), I abandoned revising the last one (shutter) for. This is the story that hit me like a rock and I promptly outlined. I see it, I feel it. It's tone is creeping into my daily life. I love writing it (just need to do it faster). I need to finish it by Monday to submit it to my group. Tomorrow I will shred away at it, because tonight I need to catch up on sleep.

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South - Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi - Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I'm slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0